Wednesday, March 3, 2021

John G. Paton

 John G. Paton: Missionary to the Cannibals of the South Seas, by Paul Schlehlain (202 pages)

Love Stories of Great Missionaries

 Love Stories of Great Missionaries: Adoniram and Ann Judson, Robert and Mary Moffat, David and Mary Livingstone, James and Emily Gilmour, François and Christina Coillard, Henry Martyn - by Belle Marvel Brain and David Hosaflook (58 pages).

If God is Good

 If God is Good: Faith in the Midst of Suffering and Evil, by Randy Alcorn (530 pages).

William Wallace: A Life from Beginning to End

William Wallace: A Life from Beginning to End, by Hourly History (45 pages).

Missionary Warrior

 Missionary Warrior: Charles E. Cowman, by Lettie B. Cowman (192 pages).

World War II Dunkirk: A History From Beginning to End

World War II Dunkirk: A History From Beginning to End, by Hourly History (45 pages).

Smooth Stones from Ancient Brooks

Smooth Stones from Ancient Brooks, by Thomas Brooks (115 pages).